
2022年08月31日 14:33  点击:[]


姓名:李朦                          出生年月:1990.07

学历:博士研究生                    学位:工学博士

职称:副教授                        专业:高分子材料与工程系




201910-至今         线上菠菜入口   副教授

201509-201909月  西安交通大学  博士(材料科学与工程)






1. 功能高分子材料;2. 仿生超浸润功能材料;3. 计算化学与分子设计4. 储能与电介质材料




1. 西安交通大学优秀毕业生2019

2. 线上菠菜入口学习强国之星(202020212022


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,均质"-"互锁策略下损伤自预警超疏水表面延寿及长效抗菌机理研究30万元,主持

2. 陕西省科技厅项目,异形刀片成型加工及表面耐粘附技术研究(研发补助),2万元,主持

3. 陕西省教育厅项目,基于自相似结构的超疏水耐久表面水性化构筑及广谱抗菌性能研究,2万元,主持

4. 横向项目,高性能油/水分离材料绿色产业化技术研究100万元,主持

5. 横向项目,拉胶夹爪防粘技术研究,90万元,主持

6. 横向项目,耐核辐射EPDM防护材料表面改性技术研究,62.5万元,主持

7. 横向项目,异形刀片成型加工及表面耐粘附技术研究50万元,主持

8. 横向项目,高绝缘材料与环氧材料表面处理工艺研究,50万元,主持

9. 横向项目,高耐受油/水分离材料绿色制备工艺研究,20万元,主持

10. 横向项目,PMMA表面硬化耐刮技术研究50万元,第二负责人

11. 横向项目,隆顶BIPV系统胶结构安全研究,50万元,第二负责人

12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,氟乙烯对聚偏氟乙烯基铁电聚合物的相变及介电性能调控机理研究,61万元,参与

13. 指导老员工创新创业训练计划项目



1. Zhang Peng, Wang Yiran, Luo Xiaomin, Wang Jian, Wang Wenqi, Duan Xubin, Qi Kai, and Li Meng*. Flow-through heterogeneous electro-Fenton based on Co-CNT/Ti3C2Tx membrane for improved tetracycline removal in wide pH ranges. Environmental Science: Nano, 2022,9, 4468-4483.

2. Liu Jingjing, Li Meng*, Luo Chunyan, Zhou Shun, and Chen Weixing. Eco-friendly synthesis of self-reporting robust superhydrophobic coatings with damage sensitive photoluminescence. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 431: 134162.

3. Liu Jingjing, Xiong Jie, Huang Qian, Lu Tao, Chen Weixing, and Li Meng*. Eco-friendly synthesis of robust bioinspired cotton fabric with hybrid wettability for integrated water harvesting and water purification. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 350: 131524.

4. Zhang Peng, Wang Yiran, Li Pengni, Luo Xiaomin, Feng Jianyan, Kong Hui, Li Ting, Wang Wenqi, Duan Xubing, and Li Meng*. Improving stability and separation performance of graphene oxide/graphene nanofiltration membranes by adjusting the laminated regularity of stacking-sheets. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 827: 154175.

5. Li Meng, Bian Cheng, Yang Guoxin, and Qiang Xihuai. Facile fabrication of water-based and non-fluorinated superhydrophobic sponge for efficient separation of immiscible oil/water mixture and water-in-oil emulsion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 368: 350-358. (ESI高被引论文)

6. Li Meng, Li Yu, Xue Fang, and Jing Xinli. A robust and versatile superhydrophobic coating: wear-resistance study upon sandpaper abrasion. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 480: 738-748.

7. Li Meng, Li Yu, Xue Fang, and Jing Xinli. Water-based acrylate copolymer/silica hybrids for facile preparation of robust and durable superhydrophobic coatings. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 447: 489-499.

8. Zhang Hui, Chen Xingxing, Wang Xuechuan, Qiang Xihuai, Li Xiaoning, and Li Meng*. A salt-free pickling chrome tanning approach using a novel sulphonic aromatic acid structure. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 1741-1748.

9. Li Meng, Qiang Xihuai, Xu Wei, and Zhang Hui. Synthesis, characterization and application of AFC-based waterborne polyurethane. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2015, 84: 35-41.

10. Li Meng, Liu Fen, Li Yu, and Qiang Xihuai. Synthesis of stable cationic waterborne polyurethane with a high solid content: insight from simulation to experiment, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(22): 13312-13324.

11. Liu Jingjing, Li Meng, Zhao Yifei, Zhang Xiao, Luo Junyong, and Zhang Zhicheng. Manipulating H-bonds in glassy dipolar polymers as a new strategy for high energy storage capacitors with high pulse discharge efficiency. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(33): 19407-19414.

12. Qin Jiaxiang, Luo Weikeng, Li Meng, Chen Pin, Wang Shuanjin, Ren Shan, Han Dongmei, Xiao Min, and Meng Yuezhong. A novel multiblock copolymer of CO2-based PPC-mb-PBS: from simulation to experiment. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5(7): 5922-5930.


1. 强西怀,李朦,张辉. 一种聚氨酯型两性表面活性剂的制备方法. 专利号: ZL 2013 1 0698741.7(授权)

2. 李瑜,李朦,薛芳,井新利. 一种水性丙烯酸酯聚合物/纳米粒子杂化物及基于其的疏水涂层和制备方法. 专利号: ZL 201711487223.5(授权)




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