

姓名: 陈建                                                                                                      出生年月:1978.9

学历: 研究生                                                                                                   学位: 博士

职称: (三级)教授                                                                                              职务: 处长

公司: 网络菠菜论坛大全                                                                                     联系方式:chenjian@xatu.edu.cn


2005年至2011年:西北工业大学  理学院,博士

2000年至2003年:线上菠菜入口  网络菠菜论坛大全,硕士

1996年至2000年:线上菠菜入口  网络菠菜论坛大全,学士










1. 主编教材《材料研究方法》,该教材获兵器优秀教材一等奖

2. 负责陕西省精品课程《材料研究方法》


1. 高熵合金

2. 镁合金

3. 材料微结构


1. 2013年陕西省科技新星

2. 2013年线上菠菜入口首批优秀青年教师

3. 2014年线上菠菜入口首批后备拔尖人才


1. 中国青年科技工作者协会会员

2. 陕西省青年科技工作者协会会员

3. 线上菠菜入口校学术委员会会员

4. 中国材料研究学会凝固科学与技术分会理事;

5. 《焊管》杂志编委


1. 项目编号51671150,国家自然科学基金面上项目,短程有序对不同层错能FCC高熵合金变形行为的影响,2017.01-2020.12,主持

2. 项目编号51471123,国家自然科学基金面上项目,置换原子钉扎镁合金变形孪晶的微观机制及强韧化效应,2015.01-2018.12,主持。

3. 项目编号51171135,国家自然科学基金面上项目,不同层错能FCC单晶线材冷拔形变组织和织构的取向效应,2012.01-2015.12,主持。

4. 项目编号50901055,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,初始取向对冷拔单晶铜线材位错界面及形变织构的影响,2010.01-2012.12,主持。

5. 省部级以及其他项目20余项。



1.      Jian Chen*, Xueyang Zhou, Weili Wang, Bin Liu, Yukun Lv, Wei Yang, Dapeng Xu, Yong Liu, A review on fundamental of high entropy alloys with promising high–temperature properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 760(2018)15-30.SCIEI收录)

2.      Dapeng Xu*, Hengze Jiang, Wei Yang, Song Zhang, Jian Chen*, SERS effect of Rhodamine 6G molecular probe on AgAu alloy nanowire arrays by a solid-state ionics method, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 102(2018): 132-136.SCIEI收录)

3.      Wei Yang, Dapeng Xu, Jianli Wang, Xiaofei Yao, Jian Chen*, Microstructure and corrosion resistance of micro arc oxidation plus electrostatic powder spraying composite coating on magnesium alloy, Corrosion Science, 2018(136):174-179. SCIEI收录)

4.      Jian Chen*, Zhihao Yao, Xiaobo Wang, Yukun Lu, Xianhui Wang, Yong Liu, Xinhui Fan, Effect of C content on microstructure and tensile properties of as-cast CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018(210):136-245.SCIEI收录)

5.      Shiming Zhang, Jian Chen, Tian Tang, Yinzhu Jiang, Gairong Chen, Qinong Shao, Chenhui Yan, Tiejun Zhu, Mingxia Gao, Yongfeng Liu, Hongge Pan*, A novel strategy to significantly enhance the initial voltage and suppress voltage fading of a Li- and Mn-rich layered oxide cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018(6): 3610-3624.SCIEI收录)

6.      Wei Yang*, Dapeng Xu, Xiaofei Yao, Jianli Wang, Jian Chen*, Stable preparation and characterization of yellow micro arc oxidation coating on magnesium alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(745): 609-616.SCIEI收录)

7.      Dapeng Xu*, Jing Dong, Song Zhang, Jian Chen*, Fractal theory study and SERS effect of centimeter level of copper nanobranch detectors by solid-state ionics method, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 271(2018):18–23.SCIEI收录)

8.      Xiaoguang Ma, Jian Chen*, Shunyou Huang, Xianhui Wang, Zhen Chen, Effect of short-range order on microstructure, texture and strain hardening of cold drawn Cu-10at.%Mn alloy, Materials Characterization, 135(2018):32–39.SCIEI收录)

9.      S. Wang, J. Shang, Q. Wang, W. Zhang, X. Wu, J. Chen, W. Zhang, S. Qiu, Y. Wang, X. Wang, Enhanced Electrochemical Performance by Strongly Anchoring Highly Crystalline Polyaniline on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 50(2017):43939-43949.SCIEI收录)

10.   Yukun Lv, Ruyi Hu, Zhihao Yao, Jian Chen*, Dapeng Xu, Yong Liu, Xinhui Fan, Cooling rate effect on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloys, Materials and Design 132 (2017) : 392–399. SCIEI收录)

11.   Dapeng Xu*, Song Zhang, Wei Yang, Jian Chen*, Fabrication and surface enhanced Raman scattering effect of centimeter level AgCuAu composite nanowires, Optical Materials 72 (2017): 697-701SCIEI收录)

12.   Dapeng Xu*, Weigang Kang, Wei Yang, Song Zhang, Jian Chen*, Synthesis of centimeter level AgCu alloy nanowires via a solid-state ionics method and their SERS effect, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 725 (2017) : 248-252SCIEI收录)

13.   Xiao-guang Ma, Jian Chen*, Yang Yang, Lei Li, Zheng Chen, Wen Yan, Temperature dependence of microstructure and texture in cold drawn aluminum wire, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 763−770. SCIEI收录)

14.     Wei Yang*, Dapeng Xu, Jian Chen*, Jiangnan Liu, Bailing Jiang, Characterization of self-sealing MAO ceramic coatings with green or black color on an Al alloy, RSC Advances, 2017(7): 1597–1605. SCIEI收录)

15.      Dapeng Xu*, Jing Dong, Wei Yang, Song Zhang, Yuli Peng, Jian Chen*, Solid-state ionics method fabricated centimeter level CuAu alloy nanowires: Application in SERS, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 500 (2017) 150–154. SCIEI收录)

16.     Bin Liu, Jingshi Wang, Jian Chen, Qihong Fang, Yong Liu, Ultra-High Strength TiC/Refractory High-Entropy-Alloy Composite Prepared by Powder Metallurgy, JOM, 2017( 69): 651-65. SCIEI收录)

17.     Ma Xiaoguang, Chen Jian*, Xia Feng, Chen Zheng, Yan Wen, Macroscopic Subdivision, Microscopic Subdivision and Boundary Misorientation Angle Distribution of Cold Drawn Ag Single Crystal with < 110 > Initial Orientation, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2017(46): 111-116. SCIEI收录)

18.     Yao Yuhong, He Yike, Chen Jian, Wang Wei, Liu Jiangnan, Effect of Annealing Treatment on Compressive Strength of Pre-deformed Mg-5.3Nd Alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016(45): 2999-3003.SCIEI收录)

19.     Jian Chen*, Pengyun Niu, Yunzi Liu, Yukun Lu, Xianhui Wang, Yuli Peng, Jiangnan Liu, Effect of Zr content on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy, Materials and Design, 2016, 94(1):39-44.SCIEI收录)

20.     Jian Chen*, Pengyun Niu, Ting Wei, Liang Hao, Yunzi Liu, Xianhui Wang, Yuli Peng, Fabrication and mechanical properties of AlCoNiCrFe high-entropy alloy particle reinforced Cu matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 649(11): 630-634. SCIEI收录)

21.     Jian Chen*, Zhaoqiang Wang, Xiaoguang Ma, Xianhui Wang, Yaping Lei, Wen Yan, Annealing strengthening of pre-deformed Mg–10Gd–3Y–0.3Zr alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 642(6):92-97. SCIEI收录)

22.     Jian Chen*, Xiaoguang Ma, Jun Li, Yuhong Yao, Wen Yan, Xinhui Fan, Formation of High-Angle Dislocation Boundaries in Drawn Single Crystal Copper Wires, Materials Transactions, 2015, 56(7) :1052-1057. SCIEI收录)

23.     CHEN Jian*, MA Xiao-guang, LI Jun, YAO Yu-hong, YAN Wen, FAN Xin-hui, New method for analyzing recrystallization kinetics of deformed metal by differential scanning calorimeter, J. Cent. South Univ., 2015, 29(4): 849-854. SCIEI收录)

24.     Ma XiaoGuang, Chen Jian *, Chen Zheng, Yan Wen, Evolution of microstructure and texture of cold-drawn polycrystalline Ag with low stacking fault energy, Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(7): 1146-1153. SCIEI收录)

25.     Jian Chen, Xiaoguang Ma, Wen Yan, Feng Xia, Xinhui Fan, Effect of Transverse Grain Boundary on Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties of Drawn Copper Wires, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2014, 30(2):184-191. SCIEI收录)

26.     Li Bing, Li Jinshan, Fan Xinhui, Chen Jian, Formation of Bulk Metallic Glasses from Cu-Zr Based Alloys with Yttrium Addition, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2014, 43(7): 1558-1561. SCIEI收录)

27.     Chen Jian, Yan Wen, Miao Jian, Peng Yuli, Fan Xinhui, TEM Analysis of Drawn Single Crystal Copper Wires Produced by OCC Method, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40(10): 1727-1731.SCIEI收录)

28.     Chen Jian, Yan Wen, Li Bing, Ma XiaoGuang, Du XinZhi, Fan XinHui, Microstructure and texture evolution of cold drawing 110 single crystal copper, Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(6):1551-1559.SCIEI收录)

29.     Chen Jian , Yan Wen, Li Wei, Miao Jian, Fan Xin-hui, Texture evolution and its simulation of cold drawing copper wires produced by continuous casting, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21(1):152-158.SCIEI收录)

30.     J. Chen, W. Yan, C. X. Liu, R. G. Ding, X. H. Fan, Dependence of texture evolution on initial orientation in drawn single crystal copper, Materials Characterization, 2011, 62(1):237-242.SCIEI收录)

31.     Chen Jian, Yan Wen, Miao Jian, Liu Chunxia, Fan Xinhui, Microstructure and Texture Evolution of Cold-Drawn 111 Single-Crystal Copper, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2011, 42A(8):2373-2383. SCIEI收录)

32.     Chen J., Yan W., Ding R. G., Fan X. H., Dislocation boundaries in drawn single crystal copper wires produced by Ohno continuous casting, Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(8):1909-1917. SCIEI收录)

33.     Chen Jian, Yan Wen, Fan Xin-hui, 9R structure in drawn industrial single crystal copper wires, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2009, 19(1): 108-112. SCIEI收录)

34.     Chen Jian, Yan Wen, Wang XueYan, Fan XinHui, Microstructure evolution of single crystal copper wires in cold drawing, Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences, 2007, 50(6): 736-748. SCIEI收录)

35.     Chen Jian, Yan Wen, Chen Shaokai, Wang Xueyan, Peng Yuli, Fan Xinhui, Substructure formed in cold drawn processing for single crystal cooper wires, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2007, 36(11):1896-1900. SCIEI收录)

36.     Yan Wen, Chen Jian, Fan Xinhui, Effect of grain boundaries on electrical property of copper wires, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2003, 13(11):1075-1079. SCIEI收录)


1. 陈建,严文,马晓光,杜新指,范新会,用于拉伸机上简易冷拔拉丝机构,2012


2. 陈建,李鹏涛,严文,范新会,一种制备确定取向纯金属单晶的坩埚,2012.2.1


3. 陈建,夏峰,马晓光,严文,范新会,一种银的电解抛光液及其制备方法和实用


4. 范新会,严文,王鑫,李炳,陈建,金属线材单晶化方法与设备,2006,中国,


5. 陈建; 魏婷; 范新会; 周曰政; 刘赟姿; 马晓光; 严文. 一种高性能金属基复合材料的制备方法. 2018, 中国ZL201510108705. X



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